How would you use your credit card reward points? Lavish hotels? Broadway shows? One man uses them to keep a roof over his head.
Thomas James converted his United Airline points in order to stay at Holiday Inn after being laid off from his six-figure corporate development job over a year ago. He now records his journey on Twitter as HomelessThomOC. Currently, living between hotels and his BMW, James keeps his possessions in storage and lives in a $5 a day, food budget. "I lived off of savings and unemployment for a while," he says, "but that all ran through, and I lost the house about two months ago,” he said in a CNN article. After his journey was picked up by Orange County Register, his story was posted in CNN, MSN and Walletpop. He now has over 2,000 followers, going strong.
Recessions have proved a valuable test of discipline, wits and creativity during the past year. What measures have you taken to survive during these hard times? We want to hear from you!
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