Monday, November 30, 2009

Saving Tidbits

Though starting out at a low, stocks are pushing up back to neutral, the economy is plenty stimulated thanks to Black Friday and Christmas coming up and things are starting to look up. But don't go throwing your savings out of the window, just yet. Yahoo financial expert Robert Kiyosaki says that the long term effects of today's financial issues will negatively affect factors like your 401(k) plan and taxes. Check out this article to find out future risks and the silver lining of it all.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

There are many sales that go on during the year, but perhaps Black Friday is the most popular day to shop for good deals.

It is at this moment we all look at prices and spend and charge because the deals are good...but it does not mean the person spending can afford to spend.

If you can afford to shop take advantage of the sales, if you can not afford to shop don't dig a deeper hole and be suckered into a good deal that is ultimately bad for you.

Don't run up your credit cards this black Friday, the first is around the corner which means we will all have bills to pay already for last month!